
Headline news

Tuesday 21 st August 2018

From Meki (Ethiopia), we want to share with all the readers of Agora XXI the joy of the most important political event in recent years in this country, which many may have already read in the press: we are talking about the peace recently signes between Ethiopia and Eritrea.
After two decades of hostilities and broken diplomatic relations between the two countries, the "end of the state of war" and a declaration of "peace and friendship" have now been signed. Ethiopia and Eritrea were in conflict since, after Eritrea gained independence from Ethiopia in 1993, border tensions ended in an open war between 1998 and 2000. In 2000 an agreement was signed (the Algiers agreement), in which both parties committed to accept the border lines established by the Border Commission of Ethiopia and Eritrea. However, Ethiopia soon changed its position when the commission decided to grant Eritrea the city of Badme, the epicenter of the war.
The relations between both African countries did not advance until last April, when Abiy Ahmed was appointed as the new Prime Minister of Ethiopia. We applaud this development, so relevant to the welfare and economic development of the two countries and all its people, including all the inhabitants of our region. We hope that the new leadership of the country will bring many good news for all of its people.


Tuesday 15 th November 2016

A new chapel has been built in the community called “KM. 15”, in La Sagrada Familia parish (Dominican Republic)


When sixteen years ago the CSP began its ministry in La Sagrada Familia parish of Sabana Yegua, in the Dominican Republic, one of the goals we set for our pastoral plan was to make sure that all major villages in the parish would have a place for the community to gather, pray and celebrate their faith. At the time many of the towns that make up the parish already had a chapel, but in some others we had to celebrate the liturgies under a shade, under a tree or in a communal hall. In the course of all these years, six new, beautiful chapels have been built. The last one has just been completed this month, in the village called “Km. 15”, a rural community of almost 400 families and near 1,600 people.
More than ten years ago the parish secured the plot in “Km. 15” where the chapel would be built, and during all this time people have been gathering under a shade made with palm branches. Now, finally, an attractive building stands there to welcome the community.
All these chapels are significant, since in addition to be the place where the village gathers to pray and celebrate the sacraments, they also serve the purpose to hold community meetings, workshops, and they become a meeting point for the entire town. We congratulate the people from “Km. 15” on their brand new church!


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